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Maajid Nawaz - Talk at the Marshall Center For Security Studies
Maajid Nawaz discussing the importance of freedom of speech following Paris shootings
Maajid Nawaz: We need a civil society led approach to tackling extremism
Maajid Nawaz on the need for freedom of speech and freedom to criticize ideas
Maajid Nawaz(former islamist) speaks at 911 Memorial Preview Site
World Have Your Say - Blasphemy and the Islamist narrative - Maajid Nawaz, Quilliam
Maajid Nawaz From Islamism to Secular Liberalism Socrateslezing 2015 Q&A
Maajid Nawaz discussing the continued need to uphold liberal democratic principles
The first ever RadicLe - Maajid Nawaz
Maajid Nawaz : From Radical Islamist to Reformer
This Week (2018/5/21) - Maajid Nawaz on the Brussels attack
Nawaz Discusses What Fuels Global Jihadism